TTSD Help Desk


Quick Access in Google Meets

Modified on: Mon, Mar 14 2022 12:09 PM

Quick access is turned ON by default for all meetings. It can be turned off or on for each meeting, and any changes will be saved for future meetings that use the same meeting code.

The quick access setting helps organizers control if participants must ask to join the video meeting. By adding controls to calendar events, organizers can configure the setting appropriately in advance of the meeting.

The Quick access setting can be changed in the "host controls" area pictured below.

Series of icons at the bottom of Meet screen. The farthest right icon of a shield is highlighted as the host controls icon.,

Quick Access OFF:

Recommended for Classroom / G. Meets with Students/Families
  • HOST must be the first person to begin the meeting (all others wait)
  • Only people invited by the host can join without asking
  • Everyone else must ask to join
  • People can't join anonymously

meeting settings with "quick access" box not checked.

Quick Access ON:

Recommended for Staff Meetings / G. Meets with Staff
  • Anyone can join the meeting at any time

Meeting settings with "quick access" box checked.

Leaving a Google Meet as Host:

  • Leave the Meeting = retains existing Quick Access settings
  • End the Call for All = changes this meeting and future meetings to Quick Access = Off

Quick access setting is now “sticky” for recurring meetings. That means that if you change the setting — either before the meeting via Google Calendar or during the meeting via in-call settings — it will be saved for any future meetings that use the same meeting code.

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