TTSD Help Desk


Looking at Attendance Information

Modified on: Mon, Apr 10 2023 9:03 AM

There are several different ways of pulling up student attendance data in TeacherVUE, either for individual students or for your whole class.

Viewing Attendance Data for Your Whole Class

1. Sign in to your class in TeacherVUE.

2. Move your mouse over the "Reports" button. A menu of available reports will appear. Elementary attendance reports will start with "ATD" and secondary attendance reports will start with "ATP."

TeacherVUE reports pulldown menu 

3. Once you click on the report name it will run the report in a new window and eventually give you a PDF of the report. If you get a "No Data Found" message, this indicates that no absences/tardies had been recorded for students in your current section. 

Viewing Attendance Data for an Individual Student

Method One

1. In your seating chart, click in the middle of a student picture.

2. In the menu that appears, select "StudentVUE" to open StudentVUE as that student.

student menu 

3. On the left side of the page, click "Attendance" to view a summary of their attendance.

Three mini calendars (March, April, and May). Days with green check marks indicating "excused" and red "x" marks indicating unexcused. Other icons not used on the displayed calendars are an orange clock for "tardy" and grey circle slash for "not scheduled." 

 4. The period attendance information pictured below will only display for Middle and High School students. By default, the attendance screen will show the full year. 

  • Click the date range (highlighted below) to select the grading period you want to view.
  • Click the course name to view a daily breakdown for that course.

5. Toggling "Detail" on for Days of Attendance will display a daily breakdown for elementary and secondary students, the latter showing details by period.

Method Two

1. In your seating chart, click in the middle of a student picture. In the menu that appears, select "Period Attendance" (secondary teachers) or "Daily Attendance" (elementary teachers)

student menu

2. On the screen that opens, you can view days with attendance activity or totals by clicking on the respective tabs. Period & Daily Attendance screens shown below.

Attendance totals

Attendance activity

Grid of dates showing when there has been some attendance activity along with the "reason code" for the actigity.

Grids showing attendance totals and percentages by reason type. Reason types include things like unexcused tardy, school related, excused absence etc.

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