Set an "Away" Message for the Summer
Modified on: Tue, Oct 1 2024 12:23 PMThis article will help you set up an alternate greeting on the last day of school so parents calling in the middle of the summer don't hear something along the lines of "I am busy with students right now, but leave a message and I'll return your call after dismissal..." Setting up an alternate greeting does not delete your original greeting. You can even set a date to automatically revert to your original greeting.
- From your district phone, call 4100 to access your voicemail. From outside of the district, call 503-431-4100, press * and enter your extension.
- Enter your voicemail password. This is not the same as your email password. If you don't know your password, please fill out a tech request to have it reset.
- Press 4 to access "setup"
- Press 1 for greeting
- Press 2 to select the alternate greeting
- Press 1 to set end date. Set this to the first day of school or slightly before if you prefer.
- Press 9 to enter month/day. Follow voice prompts for month and day. When prompted to enter "minutes," entering 730 would set it to 7:30. You specify am and pm separately.
- Press 1 to record your greeting.
- Press * twice to exit. Hang up
If you need to turn off your alternate greeting before it is set to expire, follow steps 1-4 above. On step 5, press 2 to turn off the alternate greeting.