Setting Excel as the Default Application for CSV files
Modified on: Tue, Feb 14 2023 12:22 PMHow to set your default Application to Excel for CSV files. This example uses a Canvas Admin report as an example, but you can use any CSV file as your data file.
How to install Excel (MS Office) on your Mac:
1. Open Self Service (it's in Applications)
2. Find Office 2019. "Install"
How to set your default Application to Excel for CSV files:
1. Run report from Canvas (Admin >> Settings >> Reports tab).
2. Download the report (.csv file). (It will likely land in your "Downloads" folder...but take note of the location)
3. Locate the ".CSV file" in downloads.
4. Click ONCE on the file.
5. Go to the File menu >> Get Info.
6. Small window appears. Click "Open with:" drop-down menu and select Microsoft Excel.
7. Close Window.