Monthly "maintenance days" COORDINATED with Monthly Principal Canvas Announcements
Modified on: Tue, Feb 14 2023 12:27 PMMonthly communication to STUDENTS from our principals from within Canvas
UPDATE: As much as we tried to NOT impact our students this past weekend with our monthly IT maintenance days, with devices home 24/7 and so many of our systems intertwined, I have come to realize I must include our students and families in these monthly communications. This is on me and I will make sure the emails that are sent out are parent/staff/"Grandma Betty" friendly.
REQUEST: As a result of this monthly communication about tech stuff to our families, I was thinking it would be really helpful to have a monthly communication to STUDENTS from our principals from within Canvas. The timing of the Monday or Wednesday after our 1st Sunday of the month "downday" is the time frame I'm thinking of. Canvas announcements are an easy way to push something to all students when they log in. You can set the duration of time it displays (1 day, 2 days, etc.). You can embed pictures and video as well. To get started, I'm requesting that you send one to practice. I'm happy to help. Here are the steps and the content I'm suggesting:
POSTING A SCHOOL ANNOUNCEMENT IN CANVAS: (remember you can also schedule this in advance)
Log into or
1. Click Admin → your school
2. Click Settings → Announcements tab
3. Click "New Announcement". Title it, enter your content (see below for an example). This month should be about updating your student device. First example is K-8, iPad,
4. Second is 9-12 Chromebook)
5. Select "Students" (may want to also select Teachers and Observers)
6. Set the date you want it to publish and the last date you want it to show.
7. Click the box that says "Send notification directly to users..."
8. Click Save Changes.