TTSD Help Desk


Importing Content from Canvas Commons into your Course

Modified on: Tue, Oct 3 2023 10:46 AM

Steps for teachers to follow on how to import shared content from Canvas Commons into your existing Canvas Course.

To Import content into your existing Canvas Course:

  1. Open the Canvas in which you'd like to import additional content

  2. In Global Navigation, click the Commons link. The page that loads has all the resources that have been shared with TTSD staff.

  1. Find the resource you want.

  1. You can use the search tool or browse through the list.

  2. Click on the resource title to view its details

  1. To import or download the resource, click the Import/Download button.

  1. Import the Resource

  1. Search for the course(s) into which you would like to import the resource, or

  2. Select the course(s) from the list.

  3. Then, click the Import into Course button

  4. To download the file to your computer, click the Download button.

  1. The new content will appear at the BOTTOM of your Modules. (You can use the three dots to “move” the content where you’d like — or just click and drag)

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