TTSD Help Desk


HTML/Web Based Ribbon Bar

Modified on: Thu, Aug 25 2022 6:01 PM

An overview of the ribbon bar in the HTML version of Tyler Content Manager (TCM)

Please note: these screenshots are taken from the "Tyler HTML Integrated Viewer - 2017.4" Guide retrieved on 3/5/18

Retrieving documents in web based Infinite Visions

The ribbon bar appears once you have retrieved a document in Infinite Visions. To view/retrieve any attached documents in TCM, click on the paperclip icon in web based Infinite Visions.

The location of the paperclip will vary based on what module you are working in in Infinite Visions. If no paperclip is present, there are no attached documents. 

Ribbon Bar

The ribbon bar in HTML TCM is a set of buttons that allow you to perform various functions on documents in TCM

Document Category

Attachment Category 

Annotation Category 

Workflow Category

Tools Category 

Image Panel

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