TTSD Help Desk


Using ParentVUE & StudentVUE On The Web Or Mobile Device

Modified on: Thu, Jan 26 2023 12:06 PM

Disponible en español

Information on logging in to the ParentVUE and Student VUE web portals and using the apps (for iOS and Android) on your mobile device.

ParentVue & StudentVue URL for Web Browser Access

Parents and students are now able to log into Synergy through the ParentVue and StudentVue portals.

To log in via a web browser, go to: (or use the link on the TTSD Home page:

ParentVue & StudentVue apps for iPad/iOS and Android devices:

Synergy also offers an app for iOS and Android mobile devices. To access StudentVue on a mobile device:

  1. Download the ParentVue or StudentVue app via the iTunes store or Android marketplace.
  2. Open the app. 
  3. When opened for the first time, you are prompted to connect to your school district's server. Swipe to find your school district.
  4. Allow app to know your location or enter zip code = 97223 (Tigard-Tualatin School District)
  5. Select "Yes" to select as your school site.
  6. We recommend saving your user name at the login prompt, but NOT saving your password to protect the privacy of your child's student data.
  7. The "District URL" is necessary to set in order to login successfully on either app. NOTE: Parents recieve their activation codes in the mail or from their child's school.

NOTE: ParentVue accounts must FIRST be activated through the website. Once activated, they can use the ParentVue app (on iOS or Android). 

NOTE: StudentVue accounts are the same as their Google Apps/server logins. They do NOT have to activate their accounts and can set up the StudentVue app right away.

OPTIONAL: If you need to enter the District URL "manually", here are the addresses you'll enter.

"District URL" for iOS & Android Apps



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