Using ParentVUE & StudentVUE On The Web Or Mobile Device
Modified on: Thu, Jan 26 2023 12:06 PMInformation on logging in to the ParentVUE and Student VUE web portals and using the apps (for iOS and Android) on your mobile device.
ParentVue & StudentVue URL for Web Browser Access
Parents and students are now able to log into Synergy through the ParentVue and StudentVue portals.
To log in via a web browser, go to: (or use the link on the TTSD Home page:
ParentVue & StudentVue apps for iPad/iOS and Android devices:
Synergy also offers an app for iOS and Android mobile devices. To access StudentVue on a mobile device:
- Download the ParentVue or StudentVue app via the iTunes store or Android marketplace.
- Open the app.
- When opened for the first time, you are prompted to connect to your school district's server. Swipe to find your school district.
- Allow app to know your location or enter zip code = 97223 (Tigard-Tualatin School District)
- Select "Yes" to select as your school site.
- We recommend saving your user name at the login prompt, but NOT saving your password to protect the privacy of your child's student data.
- The "District URL" is necessary to set in order to login successfully on either app. NOTE: Parents recieve their activation codes in the mail or from their child's school.
NOTE: ParentVue accounts must FIRST be activated through the website. Once activated, they can use the ParentVue app (on iOS or Android).
NOTE: StudentVue accounts are the same as their Google Apps/server logins. They do NOT have to activate their accounts and can set up the StudentVue app right away.
OPTIONAL: If you need to enter the District URL "manually", here are the addresses you'll enter.
"District URL" for iOS & Android Apps