How Do I Post School Announcements Using a Chromebox and Digital Display?
Modified on: Wed, Mar 12 2025 1:34 PMMany schools are mounting TV's to display school announcements for parents and visitors. This KB article is our recommended best practices for setting this up.
- Identify where you would like the TV mounted & place an Operations request to have the TV mounted and any electrical work necessary to power the TV (two power outlets are necessary: 1) for the TV 2) for the Chromebox).
- Purchase a Chromebox through the iVisions Warehouse (your school bookkeeper should be able to help with this purchase)
- Purchase an HDMI cable to connect the Chromebox to the TV.
- Connect the Chromebox to power, TV (Using HDMI), and wifi.
- Using a TTSD Google Apps account (from principal, secretary, etc. whomever will be responsible for updating the slideshow), create a Google Slides (presentation) with the content you want to display. Share the Slides presentation with others who will need to update it.
- From Google Slides, go to the File menu and select "Publish to Web.."
- Select your transition time,
- Click the checkbox: "Start slideshow as soon as the player loads"
- Click the checkbox: "Restart the slideshow after the last slide"
- Click "Publish" button
- Copy the ENTIRE Link in the box that starts ""
- Submit the link listed above "Publish to Web" in a tech request to be added to the kiosk mode for the chromebox attached to the TV (please include the Chromebox TTSD tag number so we can identifying it correctly)
To Update Your Presentation:
- Ask teachers or parents to upload pictures to a Shared Google folder or email them to you.
- Edit your Google Presentation slide show using your computer (you must have edit access to the Google SlideShow created in step 4, above)
- Your presentation will automatically update every 15min