TTSD Help Desk


How to type Spanish accents on a Mac keyboard

Modified on: Mon, Apr 17 2023 3:44 PM

On a Mac

Accented Letters

To get accented letters on a Mac, simply press and hold on the letter you want an accented version of. You will get a popup menu showing all the options. Select the number for the one you want. To write the sentence,"I'm going to IKEA this weekend to pick up a Jättesta end table for my living room," you would hold the letter "a" down and select 4 from the menu pictured below, or simply type 4 when the menu appears..

A sentence that reads "I'm going to IKEA this weekend to pick up a Ja." Above the letter "a" is a menu with a series of accented As with a number under each one.

¿What About Punctuation?

  • To type ¡, press the Option/Alt and the ! key.
  • To type ¿, press the Option/Alt key, SHIFT, and the key

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