TTSD Help Desk


"Restricted Access"

Modified on: Mon, Feb 12 2024 11:17 AM

With TTSD moving to 1:1 for students (each student issued a device), there have been "learning occasions" when students have made choices with their technology devices that need redirection. This article steps staff through the process to move a student's account into a "Restricted Access" mode for a duration of time to help reinforce the appropriate use of their technology device.

If/When a student is repeatedly breaking the technology rules outlined in our Students Rights & Responsibility Handbook or by parent request, it's possible to request that their student account/device be placed in a "restricted access" mode to help redirect them towards appropriate behavior. Below are the steps to set this up for a student:

  1. Teachers in the school/parents communicate to administrator (or designee) behavior issues with student and device.
  2. The administrator works with the counselor, dean, learning specialist, etc., on appropriate PBIS responses to correct behavior.
  3. As a short-term "intervention," a school administrator can place a Tech Request with the student's ID asking for the student to be placed in restricted access.
  4. The school technician will then move the student into the "Restricted Access" group for the pre-determined amount of time.

Restricted Access Includes:

  • Limited Internet access. Removal of the following sites and/or categories:
    • Block Chat/Chat Extended
    • Block Entertainment
    • Block Gambling
    • Block Games category
    • Block Hate Speech
    • Block Shopping/Auction
    • Block Streaming Internet Radio and Media including YouTube
    • And select other non-TTSD-instructional sites
    • Curfew imposed from 11 pm-6 am
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