"Restricted Access"
Modified on: Mon, Feb 12 2024 11:17 AMWith TTSD moving to 1:1 for students (each student issued a device), there have been "learning occasions" when students have made choices with their technology devices that need redirection. This article steps staff through the process to move a student's account into a "Restricted Access" mode for a duration of time to help reinforce the appropriate use of their technology device.
If/When a student is repeatedly breaking the technology rules outlined in our Students Rights & Responsibility Handbook or by parent request, it's possible to request that their student account/device be placed in a "restricted access" mode to help redirect them towards appropriate behavior. Below are the steps to set this up for a student:
- Teachers in the school/parents communicate to administrator (or designee) behavior issues with student and device.
- The administrator works with the counselor, dean, learning specialist, etc., on appropriate PBIS responses to correct behavior.
- As a short-term "intervention," a school administrator can place a Tech Request with the student's ID asking for the student to be placed in restricted access.
- The school technician will then move the student into the "Restricted Access" group for the pre-determined amount of time.
Restricted Access Includes:
- Limited Internet access. Removal of the following sites and/or categories:
- Block Chat/Chat Extended
- Block Entertainment
- Block Gambling
- Block Games category
- Block Hate Speech
- Block Shopping/Auction
- Block Streaming Internet Radio and Media including YouTube
- And select other non-TTSD-instructional sites
- Curfew imposed from 11 pm-6 am