TTSD Help Desk


McGraw Hill History Curriculum

Modified on: Wed, Jan 25 2023 3:40 PM

In 2018, TTSD adopted McGraw Hill for middle school and US History curriculum. Along with this adoption, came an online tool for students and teachers: ConnectEd

Logging in to ConnectED requires that you log in through TTSD Clever (see details here).

Once logged in, there is a menu of choices for teachers and students to choose from: 

To get started, please look at the online Help video tutorials and guides, by clicking on the Help link in the upper right corner. Below are some direct links to these resources. Many more can be found in the Help menu.

  1. Modify an Existing Test
  2. Teacher Centered Dashboard
  3. Lesson Plans
  4. Assignment Tracker

Additionally, students can access their text book offline at home on an iPad, as well as other resources in the LearnSmart feature. 

In order for students to use LearnSmart, they must first download SmartBook from Self Service.  

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