TTSD Help Desk


Apple Classroom

Modified on: Wed, Apr 26 2023 6:02 PM

Apple Classroom is: A classroom management solution : it allows the teacher to see student devices and to control them or help student navigate to where they should be. It allows teachers to lock, limit, or direct students without touching every single device. (Google Classroom is: A learning management tool: it allows the teacher to hand out and collect assignments, create announcements, or give information to students.)


  • iOS 10.3 or later
  • Lightening port iPads
  • Bluetooth enabled
  • Wireless enabled (same wireless network)

Setup Steps

  1. Teachers will Download Apple Classroom 2.0 app from Self Service (teacher only)

  2. Fill in Teacher Information

  3. Create a Class (Class name & Color)

  4. Locate class code: Click the "Add" button to see 4 digit number code. Teacher MUST be on this screen for students to join class.

  5. Students will navigate to the Classroom button in Settings on their iPad

  6. Choose the class you want them to join.

  7. Add the 4 digit number code. Allow teacher to... Set both Settings to ALWAYS - "Lock Apps and Devices" and "AirPlay and View Screen"

Looking for more guidance on getting Apple Classroom into your classroom? See this Google Slides doc or the Apple Classroom Guide AND check in with your school Instructional Technology Coach.

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