TTSD Help Desk


NoteFlight: Getting Started

Modified on: Tue, Mar 7 2023 2:46 PM

Learn about NoteFlight, online music writing application that lets students create, view, print, and hear music notation with professional quality, right on their CTL NL61TX Chromebook.

NoteFlight provides secondary educators and students with a private, secure online community. It’s perfect for group composition, repertoire sharing, and more. Noteflight is an entirely cloud-based notation software platform. You can view, edit, and comment on your students’ scores in an online environment. Create and save unlimited scores, compose directly from any MIDI device, and choose high-quality instrumental sounds.

TTSD's NoteFlight site for teachers and students can be found here:

Step 1

  • Create a Google Classroom for each class you wish to access Noteflight.
  • Submit a Tech Request to have this Google Classroom (or Classrooms) synced with Noteflight.
  • Once you receive confirmation the Google Classroom/s you created are syncing with Noteflight, YOU ARE READY TO GO!

An Introduction



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