TTSD Help Desk


Chronic Absences

Modified on: Tue, Nov 29 2022 1:10 PM

"Chronically absent" is defined as students missing 10% or more of their enrolled days by ODE definition.
(Verified Nov 29, 2022)

Definition of absent, absent rate, chronically absent, attendance rate:

  • Students who are absent 75% or more of their scheduled day = full day absent (1.0 days)
  • Students who are absent between 25% and 74% of their scheduled day = half day absent (0.5 days)
  • Students who are absent 24% or less of their scheduled day = not absent (0.0 days)
  • Absent rate is defined as the rate a student is absent and determined by the SUM of full and half day absences, as defined above, divided by total days enrolled.
  • Chronically absent is defined as an absent rate greater than or equal to 10%
  • Attendance rate is defined as rate a student is present (100% - "absent rate" = "attendance rate")


  • HS. Student with 4 scheduled periods, missing 3 = 1.0 days absent
  • HS. Student with 3 scheduled periods, missing 1 = 0.5 days absent
  • MS. Student with 7 scheduled periods, missing 5 = 1.0 days absent
  • MS. Student with 7 scheduled periods, missing 3 = 0.5 days absent



Synergy can produce "Attendance Rate" reliably in two ways:

  1. OR >> Reports >> ATD425-Average Daily Membership Detailed Report
    • Head Secretaries and Registrars have access to this report.  You may also submit a Tech Request to request this data.
    • User can select a date range
    • Refer to Chronically Absent definition, above.
  2. Daily/Period Attendance >> <Intervention Tab>.  Field = Attendance Base Rate, for selected student
    • All users with access to Daily/Period Attendance View/Update have access to this screen.
    • Current, year-to-date attendance rate
    • To export attendance rate data for a list of students:
      • Enter Find mode and place * in "Attendance Base Rate"
      • Output to Excel
      • Sort and filter on Attendance Base Rate column
      • Refer to Chronically Absent definition, above


Data Warehouse

Data warehouse receives the full day and half day absent amount calculated by Synergy, see above. Data Warehouse can produce "Attendance Rate" reliably in three ways:

  1. Reports *New >> District Specific >>TTSD Early Warning Systems
    • Teachers have access to their own students / Administrators and specialists have access to all students in the school
    • User can select a date range
    • Results include a list of students with their attendance rate.
      • If attendance rate is less than 90%, then it is highlighted to indicate the student is chronically absent.
      • Summary at end reports number (and %) of students chronically absent.
  2. Reports *New >> Attendance >> Cumulative Monthly Attendance
    • Teachers have access to their own students / Administrators and specialists have access to all students in the school
    • Shows attendance rate for each month, cumulative from the beginning of the year through that month
    • Results include a list of students with their cumulative attendance rate for each month
      • If attendance rate is less than 90%, then it is highlighted to indicate the student is chronically absent.
      • Summary at end reports number (and %) of students chronically absent.
  3. Reports *New >> Attendance >> Discrete Monthly Attendance
    • Teachers have access to their own students / Administrators and specialists have access to all students in the school
    • Shows distinct attendance rate for each month
    • Results include a list of students with their attendance rate for each month
      • If attendance rate is less than 90%, then it is highlighted to indicate the student is chronically absent.
      • Summary at end reports number (and %) of students chronically absent.

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