TTSD Help Desk


Students are not Sorting Properly

Modified on: Wed, Apr 10 2024 2:38 PM

What to do when students in the Synergy grade book are no longer sorted alphabetically or in the way you expect.

Updated April 10, 2024 to reflect interface changes coming in fall 2024.

In the main grade book window, by default, students are sorted alphabetically by their last names. Sometimes you may notice that students are no longer in alpha order. There may be two reasons for this.

1. You clicked the column name which triggered a sort. One click sorts the column in ascending order, a second click for sorts in descending order.

A blurred screenshot of a gradebook table with columns for 'Student Name,' 'Points,' and 'Mark.' Partial names and grades of four students are visible. The first two students have 'A' marks with points scored out of a possible total (40/42 and 47/48 respectively). The third has a 'C' with 37/48 points. The last entry is mostly redacted with a pink overlay and only displays 'NG' under 'Mark,' indicating a grade not given, with 13/34 points shown.  --- Copy the descriptive text below for use as your image's alt text:  A blurred screenshot of a gradebook table with columns for 'Student Name,' 'Points,' and 'Mark.' Partial names and grades of four students are visible. The first two students have 'A' marks with points scored out of a possible total (40/42 and 47/48 respectively). The third has a 'C' with 37/48 points. The last entry is mostly redacted with a pink overlay and only displays 'NG' under 'Mark,' indicating a grade not given, with 13/34 points shown.

2. If the first step doesn't fix the issue, you may need to open up the "Filters & Options" area and change the "sort students by" pulldown menu back to "last name."

a. Click the "Options" button.

A graphical button with the word "OPTIONS" displayed in capital letters, accompanied by a cogwheel icon to the left of the text, indicating settings or additional features that can be accessed.

b. In Students tab, check that the "name sorting" pulldown menu is set the way you want.

A section of a user interface for 'Grade Book Options' featuring three tabbed categories at the top: 'Students', 'Grading', and 'Assignments', with the 'Students' tab currently selected. Underneath, there is a sub-section titled 'Students' with a setting labeled 'Name Sorting', and a dropdown menu set to 'Last Name' with the note 'applies to all classes' below it.

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