Printing Report Cards Without Grades
Modified on: Wed, Jun 15 2022 2:45 PMHow to print blank report cards (with student data) to serve as a reference or for students who are withdrawn before the grading window opens.
Sometimes is it handy to have a hard copy of the report card as a reference when entering grades. This article shows you how to print off blank report cards for your own use. Remember, the report cards that are sent home will be handled through your front office. Although these report cards don't have any grades, they will still be populated with student data: name, mailing address, student ID etc.
1. In TeacherVUE, go to the Report Card → Students menu.
2. If you want to include students no longer enrolled in the class, open Options and check the "Show Inactive Students" checkbox.
3. Near the top of the page that opens click on the "View Report Cards" button.
4. In the window that opens, click on the "Generate Blank Report Cards" button. This will create report cards for all of your students, but without grades. You can print one off as a reference.