TTSD Help Desk


Printing Testing Labels

Modified on: Wed, Jun 15 2022 9:36 AM

Printing labels for testing that includes the students' ID, SSID and additional information.

We have created a "Testing Labels" report that includes the following information:

  • Student Name
  • Grade Level
  • SSID
  • Student ID
  • Birthday
  • Teacher
  • School Name

1. Open the Testing Labels report screen for your level. 

location of testing labels in the navigation tree

2. On the "Options" tab, select the individual student or the grade range of students you want to print.

3. On the "Label Setup" tab, select the "Avery 5160" mailing label type from the pulldown menu.

4. Optional: On the "Sort/Output" tab, set your sort order. In the screen shot below, I am sorting first by grade, then by teacher and finally by student name.

Testing label sort order with grade, staff name and Student name selected in that order.

5. Click the "Print" button near the top of the page to run your report.

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