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Start of Year Grade Book Setup - Elementary

Modified on: Mon, Aug 19 2024 10:56 AM

How to set up your grade book and enable standards mode at the start of the school year.

Elementary Grade Book Articles


  • Grade Book Setup
  • Import Class Standards
  • Video Based Instructions at the Bottom!

Grade Book Setup

1. Open Grade Book Setup

grade book menu with grade book setup selected 

2. On the "Grade Book Settings" tab, set the "Grading Period Default For New Assignments" to the assignment due date.

3. Click on "Class Settings"

menu bar with class settings selected 

4. Note that standards mode is currently off. Click the 'Edit" button to turn it on.

Class settings screen with edit button highlighted

5. Toggle "Standards Mode" to "On" for all of your classes.

class settings screen in edit mode with standards toggle switched to on for all classes button

7. The class settings screen should look like this when you are done.

class settings screen with standards node now on 

8. On your main grade book screen you will now have options for how you view standards information:

  • View by Assignment- Shows the assignment, and then each standard that has been attached to that assignment. 
    • This view is best for day-today score entry
  • View by Standard- Shows the standard and then all of the assignments that have that standard attached. 
    • This view is best when it's time to submit report card marks as it lets you see the overall mark for each standard that will flow to the report card.

Grade book view selection area. A tab labeled "Standards" highlighted in a red box. The tab is part of a navigation bar that includes "Assignments" to the left. Below are three buttons: "View By Assignment," "View By Standard," and "View By Parent Standard," with "View By Standard" directly beneath the highlighted "Standards" tab. In the lower left corner is a link titled "Go To Assignment View." 

9. Click the "Options" button near the top right corner, and go to the "Grading" tab in the window that pops up. The settings pictured below are a good starting point, but definitely experiment to fine tune your grade book view to one that works for you.

Screenshot of the "Grade Book Options" tab, showing the "Grading" section within a user interface. The section includes toggles for "Class Marks," "Class Points," "Class %," "Missing Counts," "Posted Grade," and "Extra Display Values," with "Missing Counts" toggled on. On the right side, there are options for "Grade Detail Overlay," "Comment Codes," "Fill Down Grades," and "Standards Summary Score," all toggled on, except "Fill Down Grades."   A text field under "At Risk Highlight %" is set to 50, with a note below stating "applies to all/classes." The option for "Extra Display Values" with options to show "Points" and "Percentage." Neither of these options are selected.

Import Class Standards

IMPORTANT: Do not import your course aligned standards until the status message below indicates they are ready to import. "Not ready to import" indicates the standards have not been updated for the new school year yet.

Fall 2024 Status: Not ready to import. 

There are two methods for bringing in class standards. Either way, this is a once a year process.

  • Homeroom, reading, music and PE teachers will be able to click a link to import all their class standards.
  • ELD classes will be able to click a link to import all their class standards, but since ELD courses are not grade specific they will receive all grade level ELD standards when importing. 

1. Load the "Set Up Class Standards" screen

grade book menu with the set up class standards menu item highlighted 

2. Clicking the "load standards from course alignment" link on the left will bring in your report card standards with the report card calculation method set to "mode." This article explains how the calculation works. If, as a grade level team or as a school, you decide to use a different calculation method, you should make this change (on the "grade book setup" standards tab) before loading course aligned standards.

class standards (pilot) screen with "load standards from course alignment" link highlighted

3. Your course aligned standards will appear on the right. Save is automatic on this screen so you are done.

Class standards (pilot) screen with loaded class standards showing.

Report card (aka "Course Aligned") standards imported into class.

Video Based Instructions

Watch on YouTube to view fullscreen

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