Printing your Grade Book
Modified on: Tue, May 28 2024 12:44 PMHow to print a copy of your grade book with assignments and scores for your records.
Printing your Grade Book
This article covers how to print a copy of your grade book for your records. If you manually overrode a student's grade before posting grades, the calculated grade will show in parenthesis after the posted grade.
1. Open your grade book and click on the "Grade Book Reports" button button.
2. In the window that opens, select the "Print Grade Book" report from the pulldown list, check the "Run report for selected classes" button and then select the classes you need using the checkboxes below. Click the "Run Report" button. Your grade book report will be generated as a PDF.
3. Portion of a sample report below.
In this example, the teacher overrode the grade book calculated C and gave the student a B.