TTSD Help Desk


Printing an Elementary Progress Report by Report Card Area

Modified on: Thu, Jan 26 2023 11:12 AM

How to print students' current calculated report card marks. This is useful for parent/teacher conferences.

Generating a Progress Report

1. From the grade book menu, select "Progress Report."

Grade book menu with the progress report menu item selected

2. On the progress report screen, change the "summary method" pulldown menu to "report card standards."

summary method pulldown menu with "report card standards" selected

3. The first time you use the progress report screen, you won't see any report info for your students. After generating reports for your class (covered below) you will see a preview of the report as well as when the report was last generated.

there is not data for this student
Before generating reports
this data was generated on 9/9/2019 3:08:17 PM
After generating reports

4. Before generating your reports, select the options you want to have show up on the report. We recommend the two selected options shown below, but you can try the others to see if they meet your needs. Options that are not available for this report will have a greyed out checkbox, "show points" for example.

progress report display options with checkboxes for selecting them. Some options are greyed out, indicating they are not available for the selected report.

5. Optional: Enter & save notes that you want to show up on the report.

Section of the progress report showing teacher entered notes for a particular standard

6. Click the "generate all" button in the lower left corner. This will pull data from your grade book and build the report. You will see a warning that any customizations (removing assignment/standards or overriding previously generated marks) will be lost. Any comments you entered will be preserved. Click the blue OK button.

"generate all" button

Dialogue box warning about losing report customizations. Cancel and OK buttons

7. After the report data is generated, click the "Print/Email" button. Note: On the screen that loads next, you will see the option to email the report to parents/students. Please do not do this as we do not send student grade information via email.

print/email button

8. From this screen you can print the report for individual students, selected students, or your entire class. Remember, do not use the email option.

highlighted print button

9. Sample report output below.

Sample progress report

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