How to log into Canvas for Students (iPad)
Modified on: Wed, Jan 25 2023 3:12 PMInstructions for students on how to log in
How to Log in to the Canvas iPad App for Students - Video Instructions
How to Log in to the Canvas iPad App for Students - Print Instructions
If you don't have the canvas application, go to self service and install it from there. Tap on the Canvas for students app
Tap on Find my school and select Tigard Tualatin - Students
Enter your school email address and password
You will land on your Dashboard as your first stop
The next option is your Calendar, here you will see any upcoming assignments or quizzes.
The next option To Do , is like a gentle reminder of tasks that you have to do in the day of class or any upcoming ones.
Under Notifications, you will see any alerts, could be messages from your teacher, or an alert about your assignment being graded etc.
On Inbox you will see the messages that your teacher will send you as well as communication between your peers.