Loading Course Aligned Standards
Modified on: Mon, Aug 19 2024 10:44 AMHow to quickly load all course aligned standards for each of your sections.
IMPORTANT: Do not import your course aligned standards until the status message below indicates they are ready to import. "Not ready to import" indicates the standards have not been updated for the new school year yet.
Fall 2024 Status: Not ready to import.
You can load all of the report card standards associated with your current section with just one click. Important to remember:
- Only course aligned standards will print on the report card.
- Standards mode must be on for standards to print on the report card. Review grade book setup instructions if necessary.
- You will need to go through the process below for all of your sections, even if it is the same course. It is best to do this at the start of each school year so you don't need to think about it again.
1. From the Grade Book menu, select the "Set Up Class Standards" menu item.
2. On the screen that loads, you will see any existing standards that you have brought into the class already. In the first picture below, no standards have been brought in yet. Click on the "Load Standards from Course Alignment" link to load the standards associated with the current course.
3. Now, when you create a new assignment or edit an existing one, all of your course aligned standards will be available for selection without having to search for them first. The red bullseye icons indicate that the standards will feed a report card mark if scored.
New assignment/edit assignment screen showing course aligned standards