TTSD Help Desk


Print Shop: Order History

Modified on: Wed, Feb 1 2023 1:54 PM

Previous Print Shop System

To view orders placed in the old system, you can log in here.
  • This system is for viewing only, not placing new orders. 
  • You will also need to dismiss any warning messages you see about the connection not being secure.

How to view Print Shop order history in the "Service Request" system launched May 2022. Note: this will not show orders placed in the old system. (see sidebar)

1. Log in to the TTSD help desk.

2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "View All."

"Open tickets" area of help desk landing page showing the status of 3 current tickets. "View all" link appears below the list.

3. Click the words "Open or Pending" and change to the status you want. To view fulfilled print shop orders and tech requests, select "Resolved or Closed."

"Open or Pending" pulldown menu with the following options: All tickets, Open or pending, and resolved or closed.

A list of resolved or closed requests.

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