TTSD Help Desk


Fixing errors when users printing to HP networked printers

Modified on: Mon, Jan 30 2023 12:23 PM

When users print to networked HP printers, users receive various errors related to the HP driver framework. This happens around Oct 23, 2020. This affects NETWORKED HP printers only.

This process has two steps:

  1. Run Remove All HP Printers in Self Service and 
  2. Add a specific printer back.

NOTE: you must be in the building or have a VPN connection to re-install the printers.

1. Launch Self Service and search for Remove All HP Printers. Click Run. This process will take at least 10 minutes. Do NOT proceed to the next step until you see the Run Again option appears.

2. Find a particular printer at your school that you want to re-install using this spreadsheet.

Instructions on installing a printer

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