TTSD Help Desk


Schedule a Video Conference Using Google Meet

Modified on: Tue, Jan 31 2023 9:00 AM

Instruction on how to schedule a video conference meeting using Google Meet for a small group meeting.

1. Access your TTSD calendar using any web browser.

2. Click the Create button in the top left corner.

google calendar create button

3. Fill in the event details. Add students in the "add guests" area and click the "Add Google Meet video conferencing" button.

Note: To run a report to get your student emails, log into Synergy/TeacherVUE and run "U-GOO101: Google Permission" report to TXT. Copy/paste your students into the "Add Guests" field in your Calendar.

Calendar event edit window. Event date & time displayed. Below is a field for adding guests. Below that is a button that reads "add google meet video conferencing."

4. Save

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