How to create (and optionally share) your own assessment questions.

Teachers can create their own assessment questions for use when creating assessments. Teachers also have the option of sharing their questions with other teachers, departments or grade levels.

Item Banks

Assessments, questions ("items") and passages are all stored in "Item Banks." Every teacher gets a default item bank, but can create additional banks for organization or sharing purposes. If you don't want to create/share additional banks, skip to Creating Questions below.

1. Open the Bank Management screen.

assessment menu with Bank Management selected

2. Click the +NEW to create a new bank. Fill out the name and description.

3. Click Save

4. Optional: Reopen your newly created item bank and share it with a user, grade level, department (for secondary schools) or entire school. You will not be able to share a newly created bank until you have saved it. Click on a search result to move it to the "Shared With" area.

  • If sharing by grade level for grades 1-9, enter a leading zero. Entering "5" will return no results, entering "05" will pull up 5th grade for sharing.

item bank sharing area with a search field and with search results showing

Creating Questions

In this example, we are adding an "Inline Choice" question type. Your display and options will vary based on the question type you select, but the overall process is the same.

1. Click on the Item Bank menu item.

2. Click on the green "New" button in the top right corner to add a new question.

3. From the pulldown menu, select the type of item you are creating. The blue description area will update based on your selection.

item type selection with a description of that type below 

4. Select the bank you want to store the question in. You can only use banks that you created. Banks that are shared with you are read only.

Pulldown menu for selecting the item bank to use.

5. Fill out your question stem. Since I selected "Inline Choice" as my question type, the editor has a button for adding this to the stem.

question stem editor with an "inline choice" button highlighted.

6. Fill in possible answers. Some question types will allow you to enter rationale for incorrect answers.

Filling in possible answers

7. Identify the correct answer.

8. Fill out the "Attributes" and "Scoring" areas.

9. If your question is standards aligned, select the appropriate standard(s). If you have loaded your course aligned standards, you will see them listed. Click a standard once to select.

10. Save your question. While working on your question, leave it in draft mode (in the "Important Settings" area). Switch it to "Live" when you are ready to make it available for use.