Which tool to use for which communication task.

For Teachers and Coaches

Task Description Audience Remind
(Includes Translation)
(Includes translation)
Class-wide communication (one way or two way) Parents and/or Students  X
Individual or small group communication & text message ( two way) Parents and/or Students X
Class-wide communication (send only, replies come to teacher's email address) Parents and/or Students

 * NOTE: Canvas Gradebook allows communication to students and their families regarding specific (ie missing) assignments. (not translated)

For Secretaries, Principals and District Staff 

Task Description


Blackboard Mass Communication 

(Offers Translation)


(Offers Translation)

School/District Wide Office Communication (one way)  including phone calls, SMS, email, App, social media Parents/Students/Staff/Others     X
FPA family communication Targeted Groups    

* NOTE: All stakeholders, regardless of tool receive email notification regarding messaging.