TTSD Help Desk


Canvas: Viewing Dropped Students in Your Grade Book

Modified on: Thu, Apr 6 2023 10:27 AM

How to view students that have been dropped from your Canvas course so you can view their grades.

This setting is similar to the "show dropped student" setting in the Synergy grade book and will let you view grades for students who are no longer in your Canvas course.

"Before" View

Note: Dropped students Chase and Kenley are not listed.

Canvas grade book list of students. dropped students not showing in list


Viewing "Concluded Enrollments"

Click the three vertical dots at the top of the Student column and select "Concluded enrollments." This must be done for each course and is an "on/off" setting.

menu at top of the student column with "concluded enrollments" selected

"After" View

Note: Dropped students Chase and Kenley are listed.

Canvas grade book. Dropped students Chase and Kenley are now showing.

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