Canvas: Adding a Teacher (or Student) to Your Course
Modified on: Mon, Apr 10 2023 9:36 AMHow to add another teacher or student to your manually created Canvas course. An example of a manually created Canvas might be an affinity group, caseload for EL or SPED, etc.
NOTE: Synergy classes are rostered to Canvas automatically. You should NOT use the instructions below for Synergy created Canvas courses.
1. Log in to your Canvas course.
2. Select "People" from the navigation area.
3. On the People screen click the "+ People" button.
4. ADD TEACHERS: Enter the full TTSD email address of the staff you want to add, select the "teacher" role, and then click "Next."
(- OR - ADD STUDENTS. Enter the full TTSD Student email address (NO non-TTSD emails are allowed) of the student you want to add, select the "Student" role, and then click "Next.")
5. Canvas will locate the user. Click "AddUsers." If Canvas doesn't locate the user, please submit a tech request after checking for typos.
6. You will be returned to the "people" screen and will see the teacher listed in a pending state. The teacher will receive an invite to the course.