TTSD Help Desk


K-5 iPad Setup

Modified on: Thu, Mar 9 2023 2:48 PM

How to set up assistive touch (the "floating dot"), screenshots, and screen recording on the iPad.

Assistive Touch/"Floating Dot"

1. Open Settings ios settings app icon then Accessibility ios accessibility icon then Touch ios touch setting icon 

2. Tap "AssistiveTouch" and then toggle it to the on position.

ios assistive touch setting with toggle in the on position

3. Tap "Customize Top Level Menu"

customize top level menu button

4. Tap the Star and then select "Screenshot" 

Screen Recording

1. Open Settings ios settings icon then control center ios control center icon

2. Tap Customize Controls 

customize controls button

3. Tap the circle with a + in it to add screen sharing

+ Screen Sharing option

Recommended Controls to Add (using the green +)

icons/text for screen recording, camera and timer

Screen Recording (Video Based Instructions)


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