Edgenuity Courseware - Getting Started for Teachers (DRAFT)
Modified on: Fri, Mar 17 2023 3:17 PMNOTE: This article is written for Tigard-Tualatin Virtual Academy teachers whose courses are automatically rostered each night through Clever sync.
- Helpful documentation from Edgenuity on "Getting Started"
- Short videos for teachers and students
- topic specific How-To's
- NEED TO KNOW for teachers new to a course:
- Each course synced to Edgenuity is a Semester long course (18 weeks - end date Feb 3, 2022)
- Based on this end date and the content included in the course, there is a pacing guide applied to each course that assigns lessons and units automatically.
- Based on this end date and the content included in the course, there is a pacing guide applied to each course that assigns lessons and units automatically.
Courses >> Manage Enrollmentsis the best place for your ONE STOP SHOPPING needs
- Edgenuity "classes" are used to group student together for ease of viewing. For example if you have 4 courses meeting Third Period for course check in, you may want to create a "Class" in Edgenuity called "Period 3"
- if you teach a single class during a particular period, you may or may not find creating a class for this section necessary
- Each course synced to Edgenuity is a Semester long course (18 weeks - end date Feb 3, 2022)