TTSD Help Desk


Canvas Grade Passback Nightly Sync

Modified on: Thu, Aug 17 2023 3:29 PM

How to enable a nightly sync from Canvas to Synergy so you don't have to manually sync.

Enabling a Nightly Grade Passback Sync to Synergy

Note: Starting in the 2023-24 school year, nightly sync should be enabled by default. You can verify it is on following the steps below.

1. In each Canvas course, go to "Grade Sync" and select the "Settings" tab

2. Toggle the "Nightly Sync" toggle to the on position.

3. Repeat for each Canvas course.

Help, I Don't See "Grade Sync!"

This means you have hidden it in the navigation menu.

1. In your course, click "Settings" and select the "Navigation" tab.

Settings screen with the "navigation" tab highlighted.

2. Locate Grade Sync, click the three dots, and select "Enable." Students will not see it.

grade sync navigation with three vertical dots and the word "enabled" highlighted.

3. Save

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