TTSD Help Desk


How Canvas Due Dates Feed Synergy Grading Periods

Modified on: Tue, Nov 14 2023 7:52 AM

Due Dates Matter (a lot...)

Canvas uses the assignment due date to determine what grading period an assignment is associated with in Synergy. The due date should fall on a day students are in school (ie, not on a weekend). You can always use the "available until" date to give students extended access.

Elementary School: If an assignment is due during Quarter 1, it will  be associated with both Q1 and Q2 in Synergy. Assignments due in Q2, Q3 or Q4 will only be associated with those individual quarters in Synergy.

Middle School: If an assignment is due during Quarter 1, it will only be associated with Q1 in Synergy. If it is due in Quarter 2, it will only be associated with Q2. This means that students will get a "fresh start" for Quarter 2.

For High School: With no action needed on the teacher's part, all semester classes are automatically set up for cumulative grading.
If an assignment is due during Quarter 1, it will be associated with Quarter 1 and Semester 1 (aka cumulative grading) in Synergy. If it is due in Quarter 2, it will be associated with Quarter 2 and Semester 1. 

Switching Grading Periods In Canvas

By default, Canvas will show assignments in the current grading period. In your grade book, click the "Apply Filters" button. Select "Grading Periods" and then the period you want to view. Students and parents/guardians can select the grading period they want to view in the mobile app or web interface. (instructions)

"apply filters" button with menu below. The "grading periods" menu item is selected.    "Apply filters" button with the "grading periods" sub-menu below. The "all grading periods" menu items is selected. Other menu choices are Quarter 1 and Quarter 2.

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