TTSD Help Desk


Grade Passback & the Missing ("Mi") Comment in Synergy

Modified on: Fri, Aug 25 2023 7:45 AM

Syncing "Mi" When There is a Score in Canvas

If the Canvas assignment has a score and a "missing" status, you may need to change a Synergy grade book setting for the "Mi" comment to be applied. 

  1. In Synergy, go to Grade Book → Grade Book Setup
  2. Go to Grade Book Comments. Verify that "Remove When Scored" is set to "No" for the "Missing" comment. If it isn't, continue to step 3. If it is, you are all set!
  3. Click the edit icon icon to edit the "Missing" comment.
  4. Set the "Remove When Scored" toggle to "No" and save your changes.
  5. In Canvas, run the "Remaster Grade Passback" process for any assignments you want to reflect this change.

Grade passback can send the "Mi" comment to Synergy even if there is a score. See sidebar for setup information.

Canvas can send missing assignment information to Synergy via grade passback. Assignments that have the "missing" status in Canvas and no score will automatically get the "Mi" comment in Synergy. 

If you have Canvas assignments with the Missing status and a score (eg a penalty for missing work, or a default score applied to all students) see the sidebar to verify your Synergy grade book is set up properly to handle this.

Remaster Grade Passback

In Canvas, go to Grade Sync → Utilities tab, and hit the "Remaster Grade Passback" button. This will force Canvas to re-send all assignment/score/status information to Synergy. This will pick up any setup changes you have made.

Config Notes for IT Reference:  

  • BOOL_ONEROSTERDISTRICTOVERRIDECOMMENTS = "false" to allow teacher created or edited "missing" comment to be used.
  • STR_ONEROSTER_COMMENTCODE_NOTSUBMITTED = blank (an old solution that is no longer used and may cause conflicts)

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