Co-Hosting a Google Meet
Modified on: Fri, Jan 14 2022 3:36 PMRecently Google Meet added the ability to Co-Host a virtual meeting.
Per Google's site:
For a meeting participant to become a co-host, they must be in the meeting. Co-hosts can turn Host Management off. Only the main host can re-enable Host Management for all other hosts. Participants can't be appointed or removed as co-hosts from Breakout Rooms.
Add or remove a co-host
- In a meeting, tap the screen.
- At the top left, tap the meeting name.
- From the “People” tab, find or search the participant’s name.
- Next to their name, tap Menu
Add as co-host
Add Multiple co-hosts for a Repeating Event:
- Before sending the Meet link, follow steps 1-4 for EACH staff member who will be able to co-host the Meet.
- When leaving the Meet each day/time period, click "Just Leave the Call" and keep Quick Access on.
- Now, when any of the co-hosts are in the meeting, they can admit students, create breakout rooms and will have access to the Host Controls.