TTSD Help Desk


Co-Hosting a Google Meet

Modified on: Fri, Jan 14 2022 3:36 PM

Recently Google Meet added the ability to Co-Host a virtual meeting.

Per Google's site: 

For a meeting participant to become a co-host, they must be in the meeting. Co-hosts can turn Host Management off. Only the main host can re-enable Host Management for all other hosts. Participants can't be appointed or removed as co-hosts from Breakout Rooms.

Add or remove a co-host 

  1. In a meeting, tap the screen.
  2. At the top left, tap the meeting name.
  3. From the “People” tab, find or search the participant’s name.
  4. Next to their name, tap Menu and then Add as co-host .

Add Multiple co-hosts for a Repeating Event:

  1. Before sending the Meet link, follow steps 1-4 for EACH staff member who will be able to co-host the Meet.
  2. When leaving the Meet each day/time period, click "Just Leave the Call" and keep Quick Access on.
  3. Now, when any of the co-hosts are in the meeting, they can admit students, create breakout rooms and will have access to the Host Controls.
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