Grade Pass Back: How Canvas "Display Grades As" Selections Transfer to Synergy Scores
Modified on: Wed, Feb 16 2022 9:34 AMHow the different "Display Grades As" selections on the Canvas new/edit assignment screen transfer to Synergy via grade pass back.
Examples of the commonly used options below are based on a 20 point assignment in Canvas.
- 100% in Canvas = 20 points in Synergy
- 50% in Canvas = 10 points in Synergy, etc.
- "Complete" in Canvas = 20 points in Synergy.
- "Incomplete" in Canvas = 0 in Synergy.
- "Excused" in Canvas will "exclude" that assignment for the student in Synergy.
- 20 points in Canvas = 20 points in synergy
- 15 points in Canvas = 15 points in synergy, etc.
Letter Grade
- This depends on the grading scheme you select from the "View Grading Scheme" link you see when selecting this option. Entering a B will apply the highest qualifying percentage for that range.
- Example: In the "TTSD Standard Grade Scale 2.0" scheme, 89% is the highest qualifying % for a B so in Synergy, the student will get 17.8 points (20 points x .89 = 17.8 points).
In your Canvas grade book, click the three dots for that assignment, select "Enter Grades as," and then "Points" to view the score that will transfer to the Synergy grade book