TTSD Help Desk


TTVA - Using Class Check-In

Modified on: Fri, Apr 7 2023 3:02 PM

This article is only for Tigard-Tualatin Virtual Academy teachers.

1. Switch to your Daily Check-in Section 

a list of classes with "Daily check in" selected.

2. From the "Home" menu, select the "Class Check In" menu item (at the very bottom) to get to the screen pictured in step 3.

3. Status pulldown menu. 

  • If the student's status is blank and the student hasn't checked in with you, leave the status blank. This indicates they have not checked in.
  • If the student has already been checked in by another teacher, don't change their status, even if the student hasn't checked in with you.

4. When done, click "Save & Return"

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