TTSD Help Desk


Verifying Student & Parent Information Online

Modified on: Wed, Oct 5 2022 1:50 PM

Disponible en español

How to update enrollment information through ParentVUE including the following and more:

  • Parent contact information
  • Emergency contacts 
  • Phone numbers 
  • Student health conditions.
  • Etc...

If you don't know your ParentVUE account, please select "Forgot password" using the email you provided to the school.  

If you do not have a ParentVUE account yet (or an email provided to the school), please contact your oldest child's school to get one set up.

1. On a computer, log into ParentVUE and select "Begin Registration" or "Online Registration"

Two buttons: "Begin Registration" (selected) and "Remind Me Later"

OR on the ParentVUE home page...

2. Select the "verify student information" option in the pulldown menu.

Pulldown menu with "2022-2023 verify student information" selected

3. Read the information on the Welcome page and click "Continue"

4. You will see a list of current students to verify/update as well as former TTSD students. Click "Save & Continue"

5. Fill out your name in the Electronic signature area exactly as it appears at the top of the screen.

"Good morning Elizabeth" message with last name blurred out.

6. Use the "Previous" and "Save and Continue" buttons to navigate, not your main browser's forward/back buttons.

two buttons "previous" and "save and continue"

7. Click the "Edit" button to review/update information for each Parent/Guardian. All "In Progress" parents/guardians must be reviewed before continuing.

8. Click the "Edit" button to review/update information for each Emergency Contact. All "In Progress" emergency contacts must be reviewed before continuing.

9. Click the "Edit" button to review/update information for each Student. All "In Progress" students must be reviewed before continuing.

list of students with "edit" buttons for updating their information. "In progress" buttons on the right.

10. When all students are ready to submit, click "Review"

list of students. status button reads "ready to submit." A "review" button at the bottom of the page is highlighted.

11. Check the box at the bottom of the page and click "Submit"

Checkbox next to text that reads "I have reviewed all registration data and verified that it is correct." A "submit" button below is highlighted.

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