TTSD Help Desk


Using Kami

Modified on: Tue, May 30 2023 10:33 AM
The district has a full subscription for every student and teacher. It can be used on iPads or Chrome browsers. There isn't a Kami app on the iPad. Instead, you go to a website shown in the video. Using your district Google credentials, you can load PDFs from your Google Drive.

The site is:

Kami Basics-How to open a PDF, use Read Aloud and Markup Tools

If you're using the chrome browser or Chromebook, you can download the Kami extension from the chrome web store. I believe it's already been pushed to students' chrome books.

Kami Chrome Extension:
The interface is identical whether you're on a computer, Chromebook, or iPad. If students learn to use it on one device, they won't have to learn a new set of skills.

Kami is a great option for all students compared to some students being asked to use the Snap-type pro making this a interface choice in UDL teaching. Since all students have access to it, it means any student in the classroom can use Kami. Plus, the interface is much simpler. 
Keep in mind: Having a student with a disability, use Snap Type Pro, take a picture of a page and then go through the conversion process is unfair to them. We have a legal obligation to provide accessible educational materials to the student who needs them at the same time that other students get their materials. Students shouldn't have to do additional work for it. The other benefit is that there may be other students in the classroom who would prefer to use a keyboard instead of handwriting or would benefit from listening to the worksheet being read aloud.

Kami Video Help 
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