TTSD Help Desk


Duplicate a Quiz in a Canvas Course

Modified on: Tue, Feb 14 2023 11:20 AM

Before you begin

Important Disclaimer: This duplication method can only be used once per quiz, question bank, or any other course content item. Canvas has confirmed that copying a quiz or course content item more than one time may completely overwrite the original or previous copies. If you anticipate you will need to make more than one copy, we recommend exporting the quiz file from the course and then importing the quiz file as a QTI file back into the course. When importing the Canvas quiz QTI file, do not check the box titled, "Overwrite assessment content with matching IDs."

Duplicating a Quiz

  1. Open the Quizzes link in your Canvas course

  2. Click the 3 dots next to the quiz you want to duplicate

  3. Click Copy to

  1. Copy To… window will open on the right side. Type the course number you would like to copy the quiz to.

    1. You can find the course number in the web address bar.

  1. It may take a couple of minutes for the Quizzes page to update and show the new quiz.

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