Oracy: Using Seesaw to Talk about Data
Modified on: Mon, Jul 24 2023 5:35 PMUsing digital tools to offer variety to students who are practicing their speaking and listening skills, essential for building our ability to communicate effectively using a spoken language. Below are examples for students in grades Kindergarten through 5th grades (there are MANY more in the Seesaw library):
Example of Seesaw Lessons grouped by Standard:
College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Speaking and Listening
Correlations 14
Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
I Am a Learner: I Am Accountable
I Am a Learner: I Am a Problem Solver
The Digital Leaders: Ari and Dog Send a Kind Message
The Digital Leaders: Cyrus and Dog Message Safely on the Internet
Visual Data Talks: 100+ Years of Olympic Gold Medals
Visual Data Talks: Americans Answer: Do You Prefer Cats or Dogs?
Visual Data Talks: Animal Adaptations
Visual Data Talks: Figurative Language Anchor Charts
Visual Data Talks: Halloween Spending
Visual Data Talks: Layers of the Earth
Visual Data Talks: Michael Jordan's NBA Awards
Visual Data Talks: Star Constellations
Visual Data Talks: Volume
Visual Data Talks: Where Animals Live Venn Diagram
I Am a Learner: I Am a Problem Solver
The Digital Leaders: Ari and Dog Send a Kind Message
The Digital Leaders: Cyrus and Dog Message Safely on the Internet
Visual Data Talks: 100+ Years of Olympic Gold Medals
Visual Data Talks: Americans Answer: Do You Prefer Cats or Dogs?
Visual Data Talks: Animal Adaptations
Visual Data Talks: Figurative Language Anchor Charts
Visual Data Talks: Halloween Spending
Visual Data Talks: Layers of the Earth
Visual Data Talks: Michael Jordan's NBA Awards
Visual Data Talks: Star Constellations
Visual Data Talks: Volume
Visual Data Talks: Where Animals Live Venn Diagram
Correlations 5
Make strategic use of digital media and visual displays of data to express information and enhance understanding of presentations.