TTSD Help Desk


Memo Field Templates: Synergy's Best Hidden Feature!

Modified on: Mon, Mar 4 2024 12:24 PM

What's a Memo Field?

Memo fields show up in most areas on the SIS side of Synergy. They are the larger boxes where you can type in several lines of information. An example is the "Comment" field on the Student screen, Student Contact Log tab. 

What's a Memo Field Template?

Clickbait article title aside, memo field templates are an amazing time saving feature! They let you quickly fill in commonly repeated information with just a couple clicks. They can even populate the current student's name and add date/time stamps.

Some use cases:

  • Nurses logging health room visits
  • School counselors/psychologists completing a 504 process document in Synergy SE
  • Completing a Student Contact Log entry on the Student screen 

 Setting Up a Template

1. Navigate to the memo field you want to set up a template for. Example below is from a contact log memo. Fill it out as usual.

A comment text entry box with the text "Left a voicemail with Don's parent/guardian letting them know that recent poor attendance is starting cause a dip in grades. Requested a callback." Above this text is a small page icon with an arrow pointing to it.

2. Click the small page icon above the text entry area and select "create template." A new window will open. If you had already created templates for this memo field they would be displayed.

button reading "create template." below this is a search field and an area that says "no templates"

3. Delete the information you want to have dynamically filled in (in this case the student's first name) and then click the small rectangle icon with left and right facing arrows inside. icon to select the item you want swapped in.

A text field with text inside it that starts with "Left a voicemail with 's parent/guardian..." an arrow points to the space in front of "'s." Another arrow points to the small rectangular icon with the left and right facing triangles. Below this icon is a menu with choices for first name, last name, full name, and various date & time options.

4. It will look similar to the screenshot below. Give your template a name and save your changes.

The create template window. The "name" field reads "Attendance - Voicemail." Text box below this now reads, "Left a voicemail with <<First Name>>'s parent/guardian letting them know that recent poor attendance is starting to cause a dip in grades. Requested a callback." "Save" and "cancel" buttons at the bottom of the window.

5. That's it! The next time you click on the small page icon icon you will see the template you made.

Small page icon selected. Below icon is a "create template" button, a search field, and the"Attendance - Voicemail" template that was just created. 

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