TTSD Help Desk


Synergy "New Grade Book" Overview

Modified on: Fri, Dec 13 2024 12:49 PM

2024 Spring Pilot

Separate menu option...

Screenshot of a dropdown menu for a grade book application, with the option "New Grade Book" highlighted in red and enclosed within a red rectangle.

Fall 2024

New grade book is on for all!

A dropdown menu titled “Grade Book” with several options listed. The option “Grade Book Main” is highlighted with a red box. Other options include New Assignment, Grade Book Setup, and others.

As of Fall 2024, "new grade book is now on for all staff! Where necessary, our existing grade book articles have all been updated to reflect the the new grade book interface, but the screenshots below are a good overview. Feel free to explore and customize the interface to meet your needs!

Spring 2024 Pilot

Teachers who participated in a 2024 spring pilot had a separate "New Grade Book" pulldown menu option to access the new interface. "Grade Book Main" menu item took them to the classic grade book interface. 

Fall 2024

Starting Fall 2024, the new grade book interface became the default view for all staff when accessing the usual "Grade Book Main" screen.

Key to Elementary and Secondary Grade Book Screenshots Below

Prefer a video overview? Scroll to the bottom!

  1. Create filters to narrow your view by assignment type ("category"), and for elementary by subject and standard.

  2. Arrange your grade book view
    • Elementary: Group your grade book by standard or by assignment.
    • Secondary: Group your grade book assignments by category ("assignment type"), by week, or by date.

  3. Grade Detail
    • Grade detail OFF looks more like the classic grade book when you click a grid cell to enter a grade.
    • Grade detail ON gives you more options: score entry, public/private notes, access to comment codes, and score history. Elementary teachers can score standards and view analysis for each attached standard.
  4. Options: This is where you can truly customize your grade book to meet your needs. Too much clutter in the header area (6)? Turn off the items you don't want to see, show or hide student pictures, change column widths, turn on analysis bands (7), show dropped students, etc, etc... Secondary teachers (and elementary specialists) can apply these settings to all their sections with one click.

  5. Student name column can display a thumbnail of the students' pictures. Clicking on a student name will open the same "Student Profile" screen you can access from your seating chart.

  6. This header area is fully customizable from the "Options" area (4) mentioned above. Add items you would like to see, toggle off the things you don't...

Elementary Grade Book - Standards Based

Screenshot of an online grade book interface, highlighting several key features with red annotations. At the top right, the number "1" calls out the "Active Filters" dropdown menu. The number "2" points to a button labeled "standards - View By Standard." The number "3" indicates a "Grade Detail" switch toggled to 'ON.' The number "4" is next to an "OPTIONS" button. On the left-hand side, the number "5" is placed above a blurred list of student names. In the center, the number "6" points to a column header for a specific assignment, labeled "Luke Goes to Bat" with assignment details below the assignment name. A series of red arrows marked with the number "7" directs attention to color coded scores for different students, indicating a trend or pattern to observe.

Secondary Grade Book - Assignment Based & Synched From Canvas

How to set up syncing from Canvas

A screenshot of an electronic grade book interface with several key features indicated by red numbers and a large arrow. Number "1" points to the "Active Filters" toggle, and number "2" to a dropdown menu titled "assignments - View By Category". Number "3" highlights the "Grade Detail" switch set to 'ON', and number "4" is next to an Options button. A 'ctrl-click to enable auto-save' instruction in the top right corner. A large red arrow labeled with number "5" is placed above a blurred list of student names. The number "6" points to a column header for a specific assignment, labeled "LInear Equations" with an average score, due date, and total points detailed. The interface displays a grid of assignments with associated scores and performance marks, with red shading highlighting scores below a certain threshold.

Overview Video

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