TTSD Help Desk


PaperCut Printing Features - 3 Hole Punch, Staple, Color

Modified on: Wed, May 15 2024 9:24 AM

With the new update of SecurePrint, 3 hole punch, stapling, and printing in color is now available on supported Copiers/Printers. 

By default, color is automatically selected and will print in color to printers that are capable.

3 Hole Punch and Stapling

Select "print" on the document as you normally would, then select "More Setttings" and "Print using system dialogue"


Select the next to Printer Features

Set the finishing options to this layout for both 3 hole punch and stapling. Make sure Output: is set to Finisher Tray

Select "OK" and print your job. It will print with the features that you set.

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