TTSD Help Desk


Getting the MAC Address for Cell Phones and Tablets so that they can be Added to the TTSD Wireless Network

Modified on: Tue, Sep 10 2024 10:20 AM

Note: There are only certain circumstances in which non district owned devices are added to the TTSD wireless network including:

If the device in question falls in to one of these categories, in order to add it to the TTSD Wireless Network, the IT Department needs the devices "Wireless MAC Address".

How to find your Wireless MAC Address on an:


To get the MAC address of an Apple iPhone/iPad:

     1) Click on the Settings gear icon.

     2) Select General.

     3) Select About.

     4) Scroll down and note the Wi-Fi Address.

     5) The Wi-Fi address is your Mac address. Please provide this 12 digit hexadecimal number (contains characters 1-9 and a-f) to Technology so your phone can be added to the security database.

How to Disable "Private Wi-Fi Address" on iPhone/iPad

IMPORTANT: In order to make sure your device works when you connect to the TTSD Network you may need to turn off "Private Wi-Fi Address".

To do this on an iPhone/iPad:

     1) Click on Settings

     2) Select "Wi-Fi"

     3) Look for the "TTSD" wireless network. Click on the little blue "i" icon.

     4) Turn OFF the setting for "Private Wi-Fi Address". (Usually on / green by default - you must slide to off / grey as pictured below.).

You should now re-try joining the TTSD network. If it does not work please contact IT as we'll have to figure out what the issue is.


To get the MAC address of an Android Device:

     1) Click on the Settings gear icon.

     2) Scroll all the way down to "About Phone"

     3) Click on "Status Information"

     4) Located "Phone Wi-Fi MAC Address".

     5) The Wi-Fi address is your Mac address. Please provide this 12 digit hexadecimal number (contains characters 1-9 and a-f) to Technology so your phone can be added to the security database.

How to Disable "Private Wi-Fi Address" on the Android OS

IMPORTANT: In order to make sure your device works when you connect to the TTSD Network you may need to turn off "Private Wi-Fi Address".

To do this on an Android OS Device:

     1) Click on Settings

     2) Select "Connections"

     3) Select "Wi-Fi"

     4) Locate the network "TTSD" and hold your finger on the connection for ~1second. This pictures menu should pop up:

     5) Click on "Manage network settings" in that menu.

     6) Find the "MAC address type" field - it will likely say "Randomized MAC".

     7) If it says "Randomized MAC", click on the MAC address type field and select "Phone MAC" as shown below.

You should now re-try joining the TTSD network. If it does not work please contact IT as we'll have to figure out what the issue is.

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