TTSD Help Desk


How to Manage your Google Drive Substitute Folder

Modified on: Thu, Sep 26 2024 9:43 AM
Each school office will set up a Google Shared Drive for substitute lessons and information.  Each teacher will have a folder in the Google Shared Drive to place a generic substitute plan and other supporting documents.  

Teacher Substitute Folder Table of Contents:

  1. Daily Schedule
  2. Class List 
  3. Map of School (with copy code) < Office will provide
  4. Lessons:
    1. All lessons should be in Google Slide format (for ease of use by the substitute to access and present)
    2. Any other instructions can be left in a Google Doc (with dated notes, links, etc.)
  5. Directions to emergency binder

How to save files into your teacher substitute folder:

  1. Open your web browser (Chrome) to Google Shared Drive:
  2. Find & open your School's Substitute Folder. 
  3. Find & open your folder.
  4. Begin adding files:
    1. You can create files here by clicking the "New" button
    2. You can drag and drop items from your computer desktop/documents folder into this window
    3. You can also MOVE an existing file into this folder
      1. Locate the Google file
      2. Click File > Move
      3. Click "All Locations"
      4. Select Shared Drives
      5. Select School's Substitute Folder
      6. Select your folder
      7. Click "Move" button

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