TTSD Help Desk


Grade Passback - Fixing Common Sync Issues

Modified on: Thu, Jan 16 2025 9:19 AM

This article has a series of videos that walk you through resolving some of the common issues that pop up with the Canvas → Synergy grade passback sync.

The number 1 in a blue square

Run "Remaster Grade Passback"

Regular syncs don't attempt to send assignments/scores that have failed in the past. Remaster Grade Passback will help you spot all existing sync issues, including ones buried in the past. 

The number 2 in a blue square

Check "Warnings & Errors"

  1. If you see a green check green checkmark congratulations, your syncs are issue free!
  2. If you see a red exclamation mark, click the word completed next to it to open the details. a red exclamation mark inside a red circle, followed by the word "completed." The word is a link
  3. Select the "Warnings & Errors" tab and review the text. Some warning messages are more helpful than others. 
Note: You are always welcome to submit a tech request with your course name and ask us to help sort out the issue!

The number 3 in a blue box

Find The Matching Error Message & Solution Below

"Grading category ____ not found in Synergy for assignment _____"


"Grading category "Imported Assignments"  not found in Synergy for assignment ________."


"Not a valid Score (____). Must be 0 to double Max Score (0.0000)"


Teachers often set up 0 point assignments in Canvas as a way of giving extra credit, but Canvas will not sync zero point assignments. 


This knowledgebase article covers how to set up "extended credit" assignment in canvas. Extended credit assignments are not exactly the same as extra credit (mathematically) but will sync to Synergy. The KB article explains the difference,

"No Grading Period Found"


The assignment due date is used to determine the grading period. The due date on the problematic assignment doesn't fall within the date range for any grading period. There are two possible reasons for this.

  1. The assignment was imported from a course from a pervious school year (or semester) and the previous due date wasn't updated.
  2. The due date falls after one grading period ends, but before the next one starts. A classic example is setting the due date the weekend after a grading period ends.


Leave the "warnings & Errors" tab and go to the "Assignments Sync" tab. Click the name of an assignment that failed for this reason to open it. Edit the assignment and update the due date to fall within a grading period.

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