TTSD Help Desk


i-Ready: My Path - "Looks Like There's a Problem Here" Error

Modified on: Thu, Dec 19 2024 2:14 PM

A student can get the following error page when trying to work on My Path Lessons

This could denote that a cheat script/extension was used and the student's account has been flagged for potential cheating. 

To confirm if a script/extension was used, send an email to asking them to check the student's log.

Restore My Path Instruction

  • i-Ready recommends discussing the importance of academic honesty with the student.
  • The teacher should log into their i-Ready account
  • Click on Management > Student Rosters > Manage
  • Click on the + sign next to the student's name to expand their profile information
  • There will be a yellow banner under the student information if the cheating flag has been applied.
  • Click on More Information, then click Restore Instruction
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