TTSD Help Desk


PaperCut - Web Print

Modified on: Wed, Mar 5 2025 8:57 AM

PaperCut Web Print allows users to upload and print documents without the need of adding a printer to their device 

  1. Click on this link to open the Web Print interface
  2. Log in with your TTSD username and password
  3. Select Submit a Job
  4. Upload the document you want to print from the copier. Then select Upload & Complete                                                      
  5. Go to the copier
  6. Swipe your badge or enter the pin to release your job

If you have not used your badge before, continue to the next steps

Syncing Your Badge To Your Account

  1. At the copier, scan your badge on the external card reader (Labeled with a Scan icon).                                                              
  2. Enter your District Username and Password in the fields and click Log In                                                                                              


Once these steps are completed, you only need your badge to log into any PaperCut enabled device

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